Workwear Direct Indigenous & Social Procurement Policy:
Through embedding indigenous and social procurement principles in all aspects of our daily operations we will deliver sustainable and economic benefits that will positively impact the community.
Indigenous & Social Procurement:
Our procurement processes will leverage our purchasing power to generate positive indigenous and social outcomes in addition to the delivery of efficient goods and services.
To achieve this vision Workwear Direct is committed to:
• Raising awareness about social procurement among our staff, suppliers and customers
• Creating opportunities for the purchase of goods and services from indigenous and social benefit suppliers
To give effect to this Policy, we will:
• Demonstrate commitment to creating sustainable outcomes
• Engage and work with our staff, suppliers and customers to foster positive social outcomes
• Embed indigenous and social procurement objectives into our business operations
• Create opportunities in our supply chain to purchase goods and services from indigenous and social benefit suppliers
• Encourage proactive and innovative thinking and practice to increase social value
• Monitor and report on indigenous and social procurement performance
Authorised by:
Grant Tuckett
Managing Director, Workwear Direct
July 2020