Originally published by the Australian Institute of Health & Safety
SafeWork SA has launched a compliance campaign to help ensure retail workers are protected from the dangers of hot weather through the remainder of summer.
More than 100 retail businesses will be audited during the campaign to ensure compliance and educate employers and workers in the retail sector about the dangers of working in hot conditions.
The campaign will focus on the implementation of safe systems of work to minimise the risk posed by the three main contributors to heat stress: dehydration, ultraviolet radiation and heat related fatigue.
Examples of retail businesses potentially exposed to heat stress include workers at markets, garden centres, drive-through bottle shops, food vendors at events and other outdoor retailers.
The campaign will:
- Include site visits and compliance audits at more than 100 retail sites with outdoor areas
- Focus on educating retail businesses on their legislative requirements to minimise heat stress
- Help identify trends, risks and systemic issues related to heat stress
- Raise awareness about the safety systems and control measures available to retail businesses
- Audit retail business in metropolitan and regional areas of South Australia
- Provide information and educational resources to help businesses understand their responsibilities, meet compliance obligations, and manage the health and wellbeing of their workers
- See statutory notices issued when required.
“Retail is one of the most important industries in South Australia and contributes significantly towards employment in metropolitan and region South Australia,” said SafeWork SA executive director, Glenn Farrell.
“The warmer summer months are a busy time for many retailers, but this means the risk of heat stress increases for workers. The heat stress in retail campaign aims to ensure that businesses have the systems and tools in place to protect workers from the ill effects of the harsh summer heat.”